Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sorry! :)

Right! First of all! Sorry to those who actually bother to read my blog, I have been rather busy with uni work and I haven't been able to blog for the last few weeks!

However, saying this, I haven't done that much to talk about either! Exams will be coming up in a few weeks tike so I am trying to get a lot of work in before that and then I can enjoy myself in Indian and in Singapore and KL, when Tess comes to visit!

I have been mostly applying for internships and summer schemes so when I return I can at least try and save a bit of money, rather than put myself into more student debt, as well as get some experience.

Anyway - very short - but nothing much to mention at the minute that I can think of! I will blog later in the week when I remember what I was actually going to say! :)

Hope you're all well!

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