Thursday, October 1, 2009

Singapore Grand Prix 2009!!!

Hey Everyone!

I haven't blogged since I went to the Grand Prix on sunday as I have been quite busy with uni stuff, I have my first exam tomorrow...

The F1 was absolutely amazing! It down to the track early afternoon to watch the Formula BMW Pacific, Carerra Asia Cup and Aston Martin Asia Cup - the Aston Martin one was good since 1st and 3rd place went to a Singaporean which I am told is very rare! After all that I just walked around and bought loads of merchandise! And then I heading up to my seat for the build up on the screens. I then went down to watch all the drivers come past of the back of vintage cars for the pre-race parade, got pretty close to them all which was pretty cool! There was a storm I could see to the south of Singapore but obviously it was headed somewhere else! Could have been an interesting race! I watched the start of the race in my seat but then I went down to a piece of fence at turn 17 that only those from out grandstand could get to, it was empty, so I went right up to the fence and watched the rest of the race from there as I could still see the screens! Was an amazing evening, one which I will not forget in a hurry! My ears were still ringing the next day, even though I had earplugs! I'm sure without them my ears would have bled!

I haven't been up to much else other than catching up with uni work. I have my three day aviation law exam tomorrow - have a 4000 word essay to write which should be fun... Will let you know how it goes!

Anyway that's all for now!

Speak soon!

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