Thursday, September 17, 2009

Brisbane bound!

I'm all checked in and I am now waiting at the boarding gate... only 40 minutes left until boarding so shouldn't be too bad! I was rather surprised when I got to security and they didn't even check my hand luggage at all... Found a really good shop with loads of souvenirs and stuff, so I will definitely come back to there when I fly home... when I have a bit more money! I also had a Burger King whilst watching the planes land :) It's quite amazing how many planes Singapore Airlines has - Singapore may be a small country but they sure know how to capitalise on their position between Europe and Australia!

The one thing that has surprised me about Changi airport is how quiet it is - there hardly seemed to be anyone about which a stark contrast to Heathrow! Last time I came through, when I arrived in Singapore, I didn't really take it all in, I was in a bit of a tired daze after 32hrs without sleep, apart from on a metal be bench at Dubai International!

I can't believe I missed the first Jet vs. Porsche race in Asia, at Changi on the 5th Sept - I can't believe I didn't hear about it! Just seen all the signs up around the airport! What use is that really... I think there is a video on youtube of it, but I would have rather been here!

I am quite looking forward to my flight, but I have been in a bit of a weird mood. If I was at home preparing for a 7.5hr flight I would have been worrying all night about whether I had my passport and visas sorted etc, but I seemed to leave everything quite late! I don't know if it is because I just feel like I'm on holiday still or what! I think I have a window seat, but I can't remember now!

Anyway - the Emirates staff are just turning up and getting the boarding gate ready! So I will blog next time I can!

Speak soon!

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