Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brisbane Day 6/7

Hi everyone!

Couldn't blog yesterday... disaster! We headed down on the train to Surfer's Paradise yesterday on the Gold Coast, however to our surprise it was soon engulfed by a red dust cloud... you may have seen it on the news, but it is said to be the worst dust cloud in 40 years to hit the coast. According to the news it is red outback soil being blown by the high winds towards the coast... good day for the beach when the sun is blocked! Got some good photos of it though! We had to come back early but was good to witness that!

Today is my last day in Brisbane, I am off for a hair cut and then the botanic gardens before heading to the airport. Bit annoying that the last train goes to the airport at abpout 7.40pm brisbane time, when my check in isn't until about 23:15 - I guess I will just sit and do some work - better than paying a 45 dollars for the taxi again!

Anyway - that's all for now! I will maybe blog in the airport later if I can get on the internet, if not speak to you all when I am back 'home' in Singapore!

Speak soon!

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