Thursday, September 17, 2009

Leaving on a jetplane...

Ok so I am all packed and ready to go! I will be heading off the the airport at around 11am (4am UK time). I will blog when I can but no promises! I do have a plan to do a blog by email from the aeroplane, but will have to see if that one works...

Meanwhile, I wrote a war poem last year and I have just modified it, I would appreciate any comments :) I have pasted it below:


I heard of great victories from my father,
And I heard of great heroes from my mother,
But these are like not other,
These stories tell themselves; over and over.

I saw a boy,
But in his sweaty palms was no toy,
I simply shot him through the head; dead,
Motionless, I watched him; he was still a boy.

I saw a boy,
On that day when they all jumped for joy,
I simply shot and looked to the ground; bound,
Motionless, I watched him; I was still a boy.

These stories are like no other,
There was no victory and I am no hero.
These stories tell themselves.
These stories tell themselves; over and over.

Thanks for bothering to read it! Hope you liked it! 
I will try and blog from Brisbane, but either way I will catch up with you all on my return! :)
Speak soon!

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