Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Email 2: Sunday 16th August

Well my second week is over and lectures have started... I had kind of forgotten why I was here!

My lectures have been pretty good though, however I am writing this email when I should really be preparing for my Aviation Law discussion for tomorrow!

I have decided to drop Competition Law and replace it with something else – it was extremely boring and pretty tough going so I am probably replacing it with Public International Law, besides this will give me Thursday-Sunday off after 31st August! That was a bonus – I didn’t plan the change for that reason I promise.. I have my first 9am-9.30pm day tomorrow which should be thrilling!

So far I have been on the Singapore Flyer, done the river cruise, the bus tours, walked all around the marina, have been to Sentosa Island which is amazing! And maybe some other thing that I can’t quite think of right now! Oh yes – And I haven’t cooked once! No need – food is so cheap and here they have food courts where you just choose what country’s food you want and just order it and eat! It’s great!

I have done quite a bit this weekend. Have been looking at cheap netbooks for when I actually have some money hehe! My flatmate, who is from India, took me around Little India yesterday and took me to a very nice restaurant to try some south Indian food and then again today we went to another Indian restaurant where you only pay what you feel you want to give – no set price!

Also went to the Mustafa centre yesterday which is a 24hr department store which is always full whatever time of night you go! I also drank from and ate a coconut in the street which was pretty nice!

Last week’s national day was amazing! It was Singapore’s 44th Birthday! It was mainly a military show and parade but there were cheerleaders and stuff too! I stood right on the marina side (and since I am probably one of the tallest people in Singapore – I could see over everyone really well!) There was a navy boat chase in which the boats had a gunfight on the bay and blew each other up and then there was a gun fight with three apache helicopters at low level flight. Then a Chinook helicopter came and dropped some marines off into the water whilst hovering only a few metres above the water. I do have a load of videos that I will try and upload at some point!

Hope you are all well wherever you are in the world!

Missing you all quite a lot!

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