Friday, September 18, 2009

First day in Brisbane!

Hey everyone!

As you can tell from the previous blogs, I am now in Brisbane! My flight was good - had three seats to myself so I could have my feet up and lay down for most of the journey! I also managed to use two of the screens - one to watch the outside cameras and flight path and the other to watch films! The flight really did seem to go quickly - the only down side is the taxi to Chris' place was about £20 odd but I don't mind that too much!

Just waiting for Chris to get back from lectures and then he is going to give me a quick tour of Brisbane - I will then be able to explore by myself when he has other lectures - not that he has that many anyway :P We will probably be going to 'Australia Zoo' tomorrow - the old home of the late Steve Irwin the 'Crocodile Hunter' - should be a good day - or should I say G'day??

Anyway - I shall be off again! Hope everyone is well!

p.s. just to let you know Brisbane is GMT + 10  (Singapore was GMT + 8)

1 comment:

  1. how was the tour any strangeness
    your such a geek only geeks follow there flight track :P
    wooo to lectuers
