Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Email 1: Monday 3rd August

Hi everyone!  

As you may already know I am safe and sound in Singapore, even though I may still be extremely tired and extremely hot! I can't complain!  

My flight was really good. I would fly emirates again any day! Free drinks every hour and really nice food and water whenever you wanted it. The entertainment was good too! I watched the film Taken and I am not quite sure what I did for the rest of this time. Mostly listening to the UK chart or playing games or looking of the window. We flew over Iraq at night and you could see all the oil wells lit up which was quite nice to see! Dubai airport was absolutely packed but I bought some really cheap memeory cards for my camera there :) but also fell asleep on a bench there! Sri Lanka also looked amazing when we landed!  

My law buddy is really nice - she picked me up from the airport, then took me to hotel and picked me up again this morning to take me to campus and to accomodation - it really helped as I did not have to worry about getting a taxi etc from the airport! I stayed in the hotel last night which was actually quite nice! Then today I had registration and my medical examinations. Checked into my accomodation - its not bad but still trying to get single accomodation if possible!  

I walked around the whole campus today - it goes for miles! Took a few taxis which are extremely cheap! I also made my first ever visit to IKEA, I bought a duvet and things as they are not provided!  

Haven't got anything more interesting to say yet! Might post a few pics up in the next few days, but haven't been in the main part of this city yet for the good views so wont me much yet!  

Anyways that's all for now!  

Speak to you all soon!

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