Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Right... up until now I have been very British and I have been using a fork and spoon for my lunch and dinner! However, yesterday I had Laksa, which is kind of a noodle soup with boiled egg and seafood in it and to my surprise there were no forks or spoons... so my housemate Ollie got me to use chopsticks! So I tried and they are not as hard as I thought! haha! So today I used them again and I was fine- so going to try and make myself use them from now on!

Anyway - I have done no work, spent most of the day on youtube and generally been pretty lazy - so I am either going to work now or go to bed... I wonder which it will be! :D

Right - speak soon!


  1. hehe the squirrel was obviously trying to find information to allow him to study at the uni! :D xxx
