Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brisbane day 3!

Hey everyone!

Another day in Brisbane! Got a boat down the river for about 45mins down to Chris' uni, had a look around, pretty nice place! It was pretty hot today and very sunny - starting to get my tan after all! It is a different heat to Singapore - I would say Siungapore is hotter and more unbearable due to the humidity, but this is very sunny - maybe you know what I mean... or maybe not!

We then got off half way back and walked along the Brisbane River all the way back. We then had fresh fish and chips whivh were really nice! Since it's a sunday probably just going to have a lazy evening.

Probably going up Mount Coot-tha to look out over Brisbane tomorrow evening and meeting up with Anuja from Nottingham at the uni at lunch time! Then we are heading down to the Gold Coast at some point this week - probabluy Wednesday. Not sure what else yet!

Anyway - that's enough rambling for now...

Speak soon!

1 comment:

  1. sounds good gra! u best not be too tanned i'll look so bad standing next to you! haha enjoy yourself - love you so so much! :)
