Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Squirrel in the law library...

Well, I thought my morning would be pretty boring - I got up way too late and ended up only having an hour to prepare my Public International Law seminar... However, once that was over I headed to the law library... all fun stuff... but when I got there, there was no less than eight security guards chasing a squirrel around the stacks of law reports with brooms! As some of you know, a phrase I like to use a lot may fit here: 'it was funny at the time...'. Just like all my random stories, they never sound as funny when I relate them to people...

So off to Brisbane tomorrow! Got to get my stuff packed tonight - I have everything ready more or less - even my emirates frequent flyer card... I have to be at the airport for around 12 Singapore time and I fly at 3pm, should get into Brisbane about 00:40 their time. Feel a bit bad for Chris considering he has uni on Friday and he has to wait up for me! Then I will be flying back at midnight on the way back and get back into Singapore around 8am Singapore time on Friday 25th. So then I can have a sleep and get down to the F1 practices a bit later in the evening :D Should be a good week and a half all in!

Anyway that's all for now! Just thought you may appreciate the squirrel!


  1. hehe the squirrel was obviously trying to find information to allow him to study at the uni! :D xxx
